To articulate the human story of this product.
Bigfoot Biomedical: Simpler, safer, and more effective solutions for people with insulin-requiring diabetes.

To make the complex understandable.
Stanford University Neuromuscular Biomechanics Lab: Biomechanics, computer science, imaging, robotics, and neuroscience.

To build fast. Test. Scale.
Earn.org: Helping low-income families develop financial stability though saving.

To close gaps on key projects
Mulesoft: Application networks with secure, reusable integrations and APIs

To bring a runaway giant back on course.
Varian 360 Oncology: Cancer care solution with predictive intelligence that connects an entire care team and engages patients.
To unlock the message that speaks to the heart.
Folding@home: A distributed computing project for disease research that simulates protein folding and other types of molecular dynamics.

To harness the power of big data.
Move.com: analytic tools for realtors, buyers and sellers.
To give voice to a brand through its customers.
Pilot Fire: Tools, fuel, and steering instructions to make a life you believe in.